How to appreciate the positive in 2020
If we take a moment to reflect and focus on the things we have discovered about ourselves and the changes we have made or are planning to make in our lives, we can appreciate the positive in this crazy year, and say goodbye to 2020 with relief but also with gratitude.

How to be patient during a crisis
How do we remain patient and keep our cool while in lockdown, waiting for things to get back to normal? Here 3 top tips!

How to overcome Impostor Syndrome
Do you ever feel like you are not good enough? Like you are not entitled to do what you are doing?

How to forgive yourself
Have you ever had one of those days when it feels you are juggling many things but can’t do anything right?

How to make positive New Year's resolutions
At the beginning of a new year, I set a direction to inspire and guide my decisions, and also to make a wish on what I hope to achieve.